Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Time in Ward

I just got discharged on Tuesday after spending a week in hospital.
Guess what, it's my first time being warded.
I was warded due to a stupid act of me while cooking.
I forgot to switch off the gas stove when I'm answering the call from an unknown number from Singapore.
Then when I realised that I forgot to switch off the gas stove, its too late as the wok has been filled with fire instead of oil.
Under panic condition, I remove the wok from the stove without any gloves or wet cloth.
Then accidentally I spilled the burning oil onto my right palm and lost my grip on the wok and the remaining burning oil hit both of my legs.
It causes me to suffer second degree deep partial thickness burn of 4.5%.
I'm warded at the coldest ward of Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
Why I said that it's the coldest ward.
It's the only ward with six 3hp air conditioners in one room of four patients.
This does not include the central air conditioner from the vent.
The average temperature is about 7 degree Celcius.
The service by the nurses and the doctors in the ward were fantastic.
Thank you Burn Unit of Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

Please wish me to get well soon.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Four months of break!!!

Hello, I'm back to write after months of not writing.
I'm now in Klang Valley to spend my semester break of four months.
For your information, I'll be working at Startec Computers Sdn. Bhd. from Monday till Sunday weekly unless there's some changes for my off day.
To all my friends, please do contact me if you do want to meet up as I'm welcoming your invitation if I'm able to.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feeling Colourless in Life

Hi, this might be my first post of the year...
Recently there were a lot of things happening in my life...

I feel that I'm in a mood swing...
I'm finding a soul that will colour my life...
I feel lonely at certain times although a lot of people is around me...
